Parents » How To Enroll?

How To Enroll?

Welcome Video

Student Enrollment Information

PLAN AHEAD - Have immunizations completed.

**ALL CHILDREN ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THEIR VACCINATIONS FULLY COMPLETED/UP-TO-DATE BEFORE ENROLLING in grades TK – 12 unless exempted as provided by law. Under a new law known as SB 277, beginning January 1, 2016, exemptions based on personal/religious beliefs will no longer be an option for vaccines required for school entry in California.**
See PUSD Immunization Requirements for School Age Children

Official immunization record must include:
  •  Name of Child
  •  Date of Birth
  •  Name of immunization administered
  •  Month, day, and year of EACH immunization
  •  Name of health care provider or agency administering EACH vaccine

Volunteer Forms

Volunteer forms and information can be found at the PUSD Volunteer Website